Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Poem - Comfort Zone -Staires by Stuti Rajeev

Comfort Zone

A poem by  Stuti Rajeev

Your first success is the moment,

you step out of your comfort zone.

Away from your mamma's pampering,

apart from the shade of your daddy’s throne.

It's about when you step out with granny’s lessons,

to establish an empire of your own.

Your first success is the moment,

you step out of your comfort zone.

With your aim along-side,

it's when you get ready for a long ride.

It's not as heavy to start,

as hard it is to decide,

that you will be stepping out,

with your thoughts as your only guide.

But, the day you dare to decide,

 family’s heart will be filled with pride.

That day a journey will start,

And the show will go on and on.

Your first success is the moment,

you step out of your comfort zone. 

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Thanks for visiting Staires.

Stuti Rajeev


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